Sunday, December 7, 2008


I'm blogging because I hate myself.

I'm easily influenced by people around me. I hate it because, it can change me to something that is not which I'm such. I hate myself because I can't trust people so close to me that the moment I realized that I have to, they're gone, or its just too late, I've already hurt them. I really really hate myself for not having my own intuition in place. I've been very cruel, I've hurt the most important people to me. People who will never hurt me intentionally. But I did. I'm wishful to the idea of having things back, as they were, or have it a second chance. I really didn't mean to be such. And I just can't accept that I really have hurt them, deeply. I'm blissfully, contradicting, that it was just my actions. I really wanted to remake it. In a way, that they get what they deserve, and give me a peace of mind.



