Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I am.

For immature purposes, I always posed for something egotistical. I love challenging people. I love changing their views about me. I love how to make them realized they were wrong. They were wrong loving me, or making a fuzz to really know me. Now, I know I did wrong. I can't take back all of those. Maybe I was too casual about it, I was a real jerk. Maybe because I love to jerk around jerking people. Now that really pissed someone. I know that someone really cared for me well, loves me. And I pissed the hell out of her. I'm wishful that I have done that to other people rather than her. Stupidity took over, and I obliged. I'm really sorry for my accountable mistakes done. I think I will never be loved just the same by this person. I'm sorry for myself.



